Well, it's been an embarrassing 5 years since my last blog post. It's not that I haven't had anything to say, and I won't pretend that I haven't had the time, it's just that I haven't gotten around to it. I hope to change that now.
I won't promise to post daily, or even weekly. I'll simply promise to post occasionally, when there's something on my mind. That, at least, should be more often than every 5 years. In truth, more and more recently I've wished to be in the habit of keeping a journal. Lots of stuff has been going on in my life, and I wish I'd write it down while it's still fresh, rather than try to wrack my brain for the details after the fact. Well, this is my journal from here on out.
I hope that I can find the time and inspiration for a brain dump of the stuff that's been rattling around my skull. That may result in a flurry of posts in the near future, followed, hopefully, by regular posts thereafter. We'll see!